boy what a pain growing up is.
and by boy george i never realised there would be so much to do.
well a quick update, i am now 3.
ive been to school, and its going to get worse, as dad tells me.
very soon proper school begins! aaaaaaaaaaa!
but im still a baby :(
anyway i had my 3rd bday party to celebrate my entry into 'boyhood'

there's just so much to do now, my day is literally packed with activities.
i have to play with my toys in the morning, after breakfast go out and play in the park
then its lunch and a quick nap..
then some playing with my cool ben10 sword.
after ive killed enough evil aliens its time for a quick snack..
in between all of this, i just about manage to squeeze some time out for cartoons and some reading too
anyway, i promise to be more regular now with updates.
so what's your day packed with?!
cool DUDE!
hey Lil Buddy...best wishes on turning 3....if u multiply that by 10.... that's how old I am ...... don't worry you will get to that in school.....
I hated school.... especially the kinds I have been too..... but i guess we don't have a choice.... do we....
yeah ... i do hope you are more regular...
hey my two favt blog-uncles!
thanx both of u
Welcome bk Emaan :) And wish u a very very 3rd birthday. Woohoo! U r a big boy now :)
hey boys you so cute and very adorable.
Cara Mengobati Penyakit Thalasemia Minor
Gejala Penyakit Thalasemia Minor
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